This Holy Week, the Franciscan Center is offering one of these opportunities – The Tridium – Entering the Mystery: United with Jesus from Death to Life.

On the edition of the Gulf Coast Catholic dated January 17, 2023, Fr. Joseph Waters, Judicial Vicar and Censor Librorum of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, posted this question. He stated that: “…there are plenty of opportunities for retreats or retreat-like experiences for lay people. One, only has to find the experience that best fits his or her active life and spiritual thirst.”

This Holy Week, the Franciscan Center is offering one of these opportunities – The Tridium – Entering the Mystery: United with Jesus from Death to Life. Starting the morning of Holy Thursday, April 6 thru Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023, Fr. Kevin Tortorelli, O.F.M. will lead participants thru Jesus’ journey from death to life.  The format of this retreat provides opportunities for overnight stay (including all meals) or daily commuter.

For detailed information, including pricing and to register, please visit our website at or call us at 813-229-2695, Monday – Friday.

St. Anselm provided an excellent description of what a retreat is supposed to be:

Come now, little one, put aside your business for a while,

take refuge for a time from your tumultuous thoughts,

cast off your care, and let your burdensome distractions wait.

Take some leisure for God; rest awhile in him.

Enter into the chamber of your mind;

put out everything except God and whatever helps you to seek him;

close the door and seek him.

Say now to God with all your heart:

“I seek thy face, O Lord, thy face I seek!”


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