We have compiled a prayer book of over 50 prayers for the second time after inviting our extended Franciscan Center family to share a favorite prayer with us. Now, our little prayer book, Tampa Bay Prays II, is available to buy online.
Tampa Bay Prays II is our newest version of the beloved 2005 Tampa Bay Prays, which celebrated our 35th anniversary. And for our 50th year, we are happy to offer this treasure to the community once again. This collection of special prayers illustrates the impact of the Mission of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany to build community in Tampa Bay and how it has grown into a vibrant spiritual family over the last 50years. It offers joy, laughter, inspiration, and insight from diverse faiths and backgrounds.
We hope you enjoy this book and choose to use it in your conversations with God. May the prayers in this book help bring you blessings and peace.
All proceeds from the sale of the booklet go towards supporting the mission of the Franciscan Center.
The price is $10.00 plus $4.25 to cover shipping and postage costs.
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