Greetings of peace and all good to you! We want to keep you up-to-date on the status of what is happening at the Franciscan Center. Like all of you, we are keeping safety foremost in our planning. For the time being, the Center remains closed in accordance with the best advice we have received.
We are now offering ZOOM programs! Keep up to date through email, if you are not receiving emails, be sure to sign up on the website or email Karen at or call at 813-229-2695 and she will take care of you. We want to stay connected!
Be sure of our continued prayers for you and yours as we continue to navigate these “troubled waters” of a pandemic. We are deeply grateful to the outpouring of support that we have received for many of you. Thank you! Until we can see you face to face, may God bless and keep you.
Colleen M. Walters, MAHCM; Chair and Sister Catherine Cahill, O.S.F.; Vice Chair
Browse our ZOOM programs and mini-retreats: Click Here.