Community Impact Food, Treats & Toys Giving Opportunity
In this season of giving, please join others who are giving in grateful response to God who is never outdone in generosity. The Franciscan Center has community partners who need food, treats & toys for children and families on the margins who have very real need. Throughout November and December, the Franciscan Center will be collecting non-perishable foods, individually wrapped snacks/wrapped candy treats, and toys for elementary school age children, ages 5-13. Unwrapped toys, food or snack items can be dropped off at the Center beginning November 1st through December 20th from 9:00 a.m. or you can bring your donation with you to the Blessing of the Crèche on December 2, 2022. We will be gratefully accepting your contributions on behalf of the children and families that will be the recipients of your generosity. Thank you for your consideration of this request.